Minggu, 10 Mei 2015

Cotton Cake

Lagi pengen bikin cake nih..tumben..cuma pengennya bikin yang ga biasa. Kebetulan masih punya bubuk green tea..tadinya kepikiran chiffon cake kesukaanku. Tapi telurnya ngga cukup..ya sudahlah bikin Cotton cake ini, kebetulan cuma butuh 4 telur, klop.
Sebetulnya teknik memisahkan pengocokan putel dan kutel yang membedakan jenis cake yang ngapas kayak gini. Ada bolu hongkong yang kutel dikocok mengembang beserta gula dan butter, juga jenis japanese cheesecake yang adonan kutel  dan krimchis menyerupai pasta, ada juga chiffon cake yang kutelnya cuma diaduk rata seperti pasta, tanpa butter, hanya minyak saja. Nah..si cotton cake ini sama jenisnya..hanya saja di kuning telur turut dihangatkan dengan susu dan butter juga terigu..serta harus dijaga selalu hangat saat dicampur dengan meringue. Hasilnya...ooouu..totally cotton hehe.. sayangnya saya kurang nambahin bubuk  greentea nya..jadi ga terlihat kalo ini rasa green tea hehe
Ini saya tuliskan setengah resepnya yaa..kalo mau bikin di uk 22 cm silahkan di kali 2.
A. 4 Putih telur
     60 gula pasir halus
B. 55 Ml susu cair
     4 kuning telur
     45 gr mentega
     40gr terigu
     10gr bubuk greentea
- kocok bahan A soft peak
- hangatkan susu, masukkan telur, aduk rata..jaga tetap hangat
- didihkan mentega, masukkan bahan kering hingga menyerupai pasta. Tambahkan larutan susu
- aduk dengan bahan A
- panggang 165 dercel kurleb 45 menit au bain marie.
Silahkan mencoba yaa..easy peasy kok ;)

Klappertaart Pandan

Lagi pengen klappertaart tapi ga punya susu cair. Biasanya saya selalu pakai resep klappertaart wilton, kali ini mencoba ngarang resep sendiri hehe..berhubung beberapa waktu lalu teman-teman pada posting klappertaart pandan di facebook. Maka saya juga jadi terinspirasi hikin versi pandan.
Berikut resep ala saya
Klappertaart Pandan
- 1 isi kelapa muda yang telah dikeruk dan direbus terlebih dulu, iris tipis
- 500ml air kelapa muda
- 40 gr susu bubuk larutkan dengan air kelapa muda
-  50gr gula pasir
-  2 sdm maizena
-  2 sdm custard
-  2 sdm terigu
-  2 kuning telur
-  1 sdt pasta pandan
-  2 sdm mentega
-  2 putih telur
-  1 sdm gula
Cara membuat :
- membuat custard : larutkan susu bubuk,gula dengan 300 ml air kelapa, hangatkan. Campurkan tepung-tepungan larutkan dengab 200 ml air kelapa dan 2 kuning telur. Setelah larutan gula bergelwmbung di bagian sisi, masukan larutan tepung. Aduk rata sampai menyerupai custard vla. Masukkan irisan kelapa dan 2 sdm mentega.
Masukkan di cup alufoil. Panggang au bain marie 15 menit.keluarkan dan lapisi dengan meringue, taburi kayu manis bubuk dan kenari atau almond. Panggang hingga kecoklatan
Meringue : kocok putih telur hingga berbusa, tambahkan gula..mixer sampai soft peak. Taburi 1 sdt maizena..aduk rata siap digunakan untuk toping klappertaart.
Hasil akhir jadi 10 cup alumunium foil ukuran standar
Oke..silahkan dicoba ya..saya suka teksturnya yang lembut tidak runny..aroma pandannya dapat plus rasa air kelapa yang kentara..aah cocok sekali dengan aroma pandan..kan ada istilah cocopandan..nah ini dia..

Cinnamons swirl babka

Hai..hai..roti lagiii...sudah nyobain bikin hot cross bun, kali ini roti babka..suka dengan caranya yang simpel.
Resep saya dapat di the kitchn.
Bisa pakai dough apa aja, yang pasti isiannya adalah kacang-kacangan yang di campur cinnamon, butter dan gula palm atau brown sugar.
Ini resep aslinya

Sticky Caramel-Pecan Babka
Makes 3 loaves, 10 to 12 slices each
3/4 cup water
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
3/4 cup whole milk
4 large eggs
1 large egg yolk
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
6 1/4 - 6 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened to room
For the sticky filling:
2 1/4 cups pecans
3/4 cups butter (salted)
1 1/2 cups packed dark brown sugar
3 teaspoons cinnamon
For the egg wash:
1 large egg yolk
1 tablespoon whole milk or cream
Make the dough: Combine the water and the
yeast in the bowl of a stand mixer, and let stand
until the yeast is dissolved. Add the milk, eggs,
yolk, sugar, salt, and vanilla extract, and whisk
until the yolks are completely combined. Add 6 1/4
cups of flour and stir with a stiff spatula until a
shaggy, floury dough is formed.
Using a dough hook, knead on medium-low speed
until the dough comes together and is no longer
floury, about 5 minutes. With the mixer still
running, begin adding the butter in 1-tablespoon
blobs. Mix until one blob is just barely
incorporated before adding the next blob.
When all the butter has been added, continue
kneading for another 5 minutes until the dough is
silky, elastic, and quite jiggly. This won't form a
ball like regular dough — it should bunch around
the dough hook and clear the sides of the dough
hook, but will still be attached in a sticky dough
mass to the bottom of the bowl. Add the extra
1/4 cup of flour as needed if the dough is
sticking to the sides of the bowl. (For step-by-
step instructions, see steps 2 through 6 in How
To Make Kugelhopf .)
Chill the dough: Transfer the dough to your
largest mixing bowl. Cover and let rise for 1 to 1
1/2 hours, until doubled in bulk. Transfer to the
fridge and chill for at least an hour or up to 3
days. (This makes the dough easier to roll out in
the next step; I recommend letting the dough chill
Prepare the filling: When you're ready to shape
the loaves, prepare the filling before you take
the dough out of the fridge. Heat the oven to
350°F and toast the pecans until they're a few
shades darker and very fragrant, about 10
minutes. Transfer the hot pecans to a cutting
board and chop them finely while still warm. Keep
chopping until no piece is larger than a grain of
barley. You can also do this in a food processor
— process the nuts in pulses and be careful of
over-processing (which will turn the nuts into
nut butter!).
In a medium bowl, mash together the softened
butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon for the filling
with a fork or a spoon, then work in the nuts.
Keep mashing and mixing until the nuts are evenly
distributed and you have formed a crumbly paste.
Set this near your work surface.
Line three 8x4-inch loaf pans with long
rectangles of parchment, so that the parchment
hangs over the sides of the pan. Grease the pans
thoroughly with non-stick spray. (If you only
have two pans, bake two loaves and leave the
third piece of dough in the fridge to shape and
bake later.)
Shape the babka loaves: Remove the dough from
the fridge. Sprinkle your work surface generously
with flour and scrape the dough out on top. Pat
the dough into a log and then use a bench scraper
or sharp knife to cut it into 3 equal pieces (mine
were about 21 ounces each, if you feel like
Sprinkle the work surface with a little more
flour, then set one of the pieces of dough on top.
Use the palms of your hands to press it into a
rough rectangle shape. Rub a little flour into a
rolling pin and roll the dough out into a thin
rectangle, roughly 10 inches wide and 12 or more
inches long (the thinner you roll, the more layers
you'll make).
Scatter a generous cup of the filling over the
surface of the dough, then use the back of a
spoon to spread and press the filling into an even
layer. Leave about an inch of clear border at the
Starting with the short end closest to you,
carefully roll the dough into a log. If any filling
falls out, just tuck it back in. If the dough
sticks to the counter, use a bench scraper to
gently pry it up. When done rolling, pinch the
dough to seal it closed. Dip a very sharp knife in
water and gently, but swiftly, slice the log down
its entire length, creating two halves with lots of
To form the babka loaves, turn the halves so that
the layers are facing up. Press the two halves
together at the top, then twist the halves around
each other, creating a spiral. Press the halves
together again at the bottom. Flour your hands
and lift the loaf into the loaf pan. If the loaf is
a little too long for the pan, just smoosh it a
little on either end to make it fit — any gaps will
be filled in by the rising dough.
Repeat with the other loaves. Cover the shaped
loaves and let them rise on the counter until
puffy and just starting to dome over the tops of
the pans, 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
Bake the loaves: About a half hour before baking
(when the loaves are puffy but not yet domed),
preheat the oven to 350°F.
When the loaves have risen, whisk the yolk and
the milk together to make the egg wash and
gently brush it all over the surface of the loaves.
Transfer the loaves to the oven and slide a
baking sheet underneath to catch any syrupy
drips. Bake 45 to 55 minutes — cover the loaves
with foil in the last 10 to 15 minutes if the edges
look like they might be starting to burn. The
loaves are done when deep glossy brown and a
skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean of
any dough (sticky goo is ok, though!). If you
want to check the temperature, the loaves should
be around 200°F in the middle.
Cool the loaves: Let the loaves cool in the pan
for about 20 minutes to firm up — however, don't
let them sit for much longer or the caramel will
harden and it can be hard to get the loaves out
of the pan.
( http://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-sticky-caramel-pecan-babka-loaves-recipes-from-the-kitchn-218012?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=managed)

Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

Mini hot cross bun

Satu resep sama dengan yang monkey bread, karena sisa..akhirnya dibikin hot cross bun, tinggal sekali hap aja hehe.

Monkey bread

Agak aneh yaa namanya..monkey bread..kalo dipikir pikir kok lucu, roti dicuil cuil manis lengket dari loyang bunt.
Mungkin karena bentuknya yang kurang menarik, jadi dinamakan monkey bread. Berikut saya nyontek resep nya di Saling baking food.
Bisa juga pakai resep lainnya lho yaa..karena ciri utama monkey ya bentuknya aja hihi

Soft Pretzel

Belakangan ini saya lagi suka bikin roti yang unik unik dan belum pernah saya makan sebelumnya.
Beberapa roti resep 'luar' saya suka aplikasikan ke cinnamons roll atau jenis dinner roll. Tapi kali ini tergelitik mencoba Pretzel, lebih tepatnya soft pretzel. Beberapa resep yang saya temui menggunakan waterbath untuk soft pretzel. Ini yang membuat roti ini jadi unik, setelah dough mengembang dan dibentuk, sebelum proses panggang. Roti terlebih dulu 'dimandikan' diair panas rendaman baking soda.
Katanya proses inilah yang mebuat si pretzel jadi lembut kenyal atau 'chewy'.
Kali ini saya pakai resep The Kitchn di Facebook, berikut resepnya :

1 cup warm water
2 teaspoons active dry yeast
2 1/2 to 3 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 cup baking soda
1 tablespoon barley malt syrup, rice syrup, or
dark brown sugar
1 large egg, whisked with 2 tablespoons warm
Coarse sea salt or pretzel salt

1. Make the pretzel dough: Combine the warm
water and yeast in the bowl of a stand
mixer (or a medium-sized bowl, if kneading
by hand). Let stand a few minutes, then stir
to dissolve the yeast. Add 2 1/2 cups of the
flour, sugar, and salt. Stir with a stiff
spatula to form a floury, shaggy dough.
2. Knead the dough: Knead the dough with a
stand mixer fitted with a dough hook
attachment on low speed for 5 minutes. If
the dough is very sticky after 1 minute, add
flour a tablespoon at a time until it forms a
ball. Alternatively, knead the dough against
the counter for 5 to 7 minutes. The dough
has finished kneading when it is soft,
slightly tacky, and holds a ball-shape.
3. Let the dough rise: Clean out the bowl, film
it with oil, and return the dough to the
bowl. Cover and let rise somewhere warm
until the dough is doubled in bulk, about 1
→ Make Ahead Tip: At this point, the pretzel
dough can be refrigerated for up to three
days or frozen for three months. Thaw
frozen dough in the refrigerator before
using. Refrigerated dough can be shaped
into pretzels while still cold, but allow some
extra time for the pretzels to puff up
before dipping and baking.
4. Divide the dough: Turn the dough out onto a
lightly floured work surface. Use a bench
scraper to divide the dough into 8 equal
5. Shape the pretzels: Working with one piece
of dough a time, roll the dough into a long,
skinny rope against the counter using the
palms of your hands. Aim for a rope about 20
inches long. If it shrinks back on you, set it
aside, roll another piece of dough, and come
back to it after it's rested a few minutes.
Lift the ends of the rope toward the top of
your work surface and cross them. Cross
them one more time to make a twist, then
fold the twist back down over the bottom
loop to form a pretzel shape. (See the
corresponding photos in the gallery for
assistance with this step.) Set the pretzel
on a parchment-lined baking sheet and
continue shaping the rest of the pretzels.
When all the pretzels are shaped, cover them
loosely and set them aside to rise until
puffy, 20 to 30 minutes.
6. Preheat the oven to 450°F. Place a rack in
the middle-bottom position.
7. Prepare the water bath: When the pretzels
are starting to look puffy, measure 8 cups
of water into a large, wide pot and set over
high heat. Make sure the pot has high sides
because the water will foam, nearly doubling
in volume, when you add the baking soda.
Bring the water to a rapid simmer, then add
the baking soda and the barley malt syrup.
The baking soda will make the water foam
up the sides of the pot. Stir to dissolve the
baking soda and syrup, then reduce the heat
to medium to maintain a simmer.
8. Boil the pretzels: Lower 2 to 3 pretzels into
the water bath — as many as will fit
without crowding. Simmer for 30 seconds,
then use a slotted spoon to flip the pretzels
over. Simmer for another 30 seconds, then
scoop the pretzels out of the water and
return them to the baking sheet. While in
the water bath, the pretzels will puff and
take on a doughy, puckered appearance.
Repeat with the remaining pretzels.
9. Brush with egg and sprinkle with salt: Once
all the pretzels have been dipped in the
water bath, brush them with the egg and
water mixture and sprinkle them with salt.
10. Bake the pretzels: Bake the pretzels until
they are deep brown and glossy, 12 to 15
11. Cool and eat! Transfer the pretzels to a
cooling rack and let sit until cool enough to
handle. Pretzels are best when eaten fresh
and hot, but will still be good for up to a
day later. Store them in a paper bag at
room temperature.

Selamat mencoba

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